前期第一週目のオンライン授業に関する学生アンケート集計結果と改善点の共有について/Results of the Week 1 Online Lesson Student Survey, Sharing Analysis of Student Comments and Requests and Suggested Response Measuresshareing
対 象:外国語学部学生
実施方法:Google フォーム
神田外語大学 Innovation KUIS
対 象:外国語学部学生
実施方法:Google フォーム
※6月23日追記 自由記述形式でコメントを頂いた「オンライン授業の改善点」についてとりまとめ、改善すべき点を洗い出し、改善策とともに5月23日に全教職員に共有するなど、授業改善に向けた取り組みを行っております。下記のリンクより目を通して頂けますと幸いです。 学生からのコメント・要望のまとめと対応方法のアドバイス |
神田外語大学 Innovation KUIS
・Campus Web
・Google Classroom、Moodle
・Google Classroom、Moodle
・Google Classroomでのオンライン授業「準備講座」
授業開始前の4月13日より、Google Classroom上でオンライン授業受講に必要なツールの使い方をレクチャーしました。
新入生向けに、先輩学生(主にFreshman Orientation Camp運営委員会メンバー中心)が全学科、専攻、ならびに教職と日本語教員養成課程のグループでLINEオープンチャットを利用したサポートを実施しています。
Academic Success Center(ASC・アスク)と、Self Access Learning Center(SALC・サルク)の学生スタッフが、合同で新入生向けオンライン(Zoomを利用)相談会を実施しています。
English Language Institute(ELI)の先生方が、英会話の練習やスピーキング・ライティングの相談をオンラインで受け付けています。
・Google Classroomでのオンライン授業「準備講座」
授業開始前の4月13日より、Google Classroom上でオンライン授業受講に必要なツールの使い方をレクチャーしました。
新入生向けに、先輩学生(主にFreshman Orientation Camp運営委員会メンバー中心)が全学科、専攻、ならびに教職と日本語教員養成課程のグループでLINEオープンチャットを利用したサポートを実施しています。
Academic Success Center(ASC・アスク)と、Self Access Learning Center(SALC・サルク)の学生スタッフが、合同で新入生向けオンライン(Zoomを利用)相談会を実施しています。
English Language Institute(ELI)の先生方が、英会話の練習やスピーキング・ライティングの相談をオンラインで受け付けています。
Results of the Week 1 Online Lesson Student Survey
On April 27, we began the first week of online lessons of the term, which is a first for our university. At the end of Week 1, we conducted a survey of all students regarding their internet connection status, their impressions of online classes so far, and their usage of student support services provided prior to the start of term. We have collected 584 responses. There were many suggestions for improvement and also positive feedback regarding online lessons. We would like to express our gratitude to the students who cooperated in our survey.
We have shared the results with all university faculty and staff to improve the quality of our lessons and to provide the best quality education to our students.
Details of the survey are as follows:
Dates of Survey: Sunday, 5/3 ~ Wednesday, 5/6
Target: KUIS undergraduate students
*International exchange students (Bekka), domestic exchange students and part-time students are not included.
Method of Distribution: Posted link to survey on Campus Web (Internal web portal)
Survey Format: Google Form
Number of Responses: 584 (14.4% of students) *This number has been rounded to 1 decimal place.
*Each answer is handled anonymously and will not affect any individual’s grade.
View responses to student survey
Kanda University of International Studies
Innovation KUIS
Office of the President & Online Lesson Support Team
We have shared the results with all university faculty and staff to improve the quality of our lessons and to provide the best quality education to our students.
Details of the survey are as follows:
Dates of Survey: Sunday, 5/3 ~ Wednesday, 5/6
Target: KUIS undergraduate students
*International exchange students (Bekka), domestic exchange students and part-time students are not included.
Method of Distribution: Posted link to survey on Campus Web (Internal web portal)
Survey Format: Google Form
Number of Responses: 584 (14.4% of students) *This number has been rounded to 1 decimal place.
*Each answer is handled anonymously and will not affect any individual’s grade.
View responses to student survey
*Update (June 23) We have analyzed the responses to “Points on further improvement for online lessons” and provided advice to all KUIS teachers and staff on May 23 based upon this analysis. Now, we would like to share this advice. Analysis of Student Comments and Requests and Suggested Response Measures |
Kanda University of International Studies
Innovation KUIS
Office of the President & Online Lesson Support Team
Online tools
・Campus Web
An internal web portal that allows students to access information such as syllabi, class schedules, grades, and more.
・Google Classroom, Moodle
Web platforms that teachers use to share lesson materials and collect assignments from students.
A cloud-based video conferencing service that is similar to Skype or LINE. Teachers use Zoom to conduct online, two-way classes in real time.
An internal web portal that allows students to access information such as syllabi, class schedules, grades, and more.
・Google Classroom, Moodle
Web platforms that teachers use to share lesson materials and collect assignments from students.
A cloud-based video conferencing service that is similar to Skype or LINE. Teachers use Zoom to conduct online, two-way classes in real time.
Study support services
・Various Methods (email, Google forms)
All the contact information is assembled on the web page below.
・KUIS Online Lesson BBS Site
We have set up an internet forum for KUIS students so that they can post, and reply to each other’s posts, regarding online lessons. The URL of the forum has been shared only with KUIS students on Campus Web.
・Online “Preparation Course” in Google Classroom
We have held an online “Preparation Course” in Google Classroom since the 13th of April, before the start of spring semester, to help students learn how to use the digital tools.
・Department LINE Open Chats
Senior students, mostly the committee members of Freshman Orientation Camp, have set up an online chat room of each department, teacher training course and Japanese language teacher training program on LINE to support freshman students.
・New Student Zoom Consultation Meetings with Senior Students
Student staff of the Academic Success Center (ASC) and the Self Access Learning Center (SALC) are holding joint online consultation hours for freshman students via Zoom.
・ELI(English Lounge, Speaking, Writing)
Teachers of the English Language Institute (ELI) are holding online consultation hours for students to talk about their writing or to practice their speaking and presentation skills.
・SALC(Learning Advisor Consultation)
SALC Learning Advisors are giving online consultation hours for students to gain a deeper awareness of their language learning potential, and to help find good ways to learn and stay motivated.
・ASC(Q Desk English Consultation, Japanese Writing)
Japanese teachers are holding consultation hours in order to help students better learn English, as well as improve their Japanese writing skills. The teachers also provide learning materials and give advice on study methods.
・MULC(Chat Time)
Faculty of each local language department (Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, Spanish and Portuguese) are holding consultation hours for students to practice conversation in each language. The faculty also give advice on study methods.
All the contact information is assembled on the web page below.
・KUIS Online Lesson BBS Site
We have set up an internet forum for KUIS students so that they can post, and reply to each other’s posts, regarding online lessons. The URL of the forum has been shared only with KUIS students on Campus Web.
・Online “Preparation Course” in Google Classroom
We have held an online “Preparation Course” in Google Classroom since the 13th of April, before the start of spring semester, to help students learn how to use the digital tools.
・Department LINE Open Chats
Senior students, mostly the committee members of Freshman Orientation Camp, have set up an online chat room of each department, teacher training course and Japanese language teacher training program on LINE to support freshman students.
・New Student Zoom Consultation Meetings with Senior Students
Student staff of the Academic Success Center (ASC) and the Self Access Learning Center (SALC) are holding joint online consultation hours for freshman students via Zoom.
・ELI(English Lounge, Speaking, Writing)
Teachers of the English Language Institute (ELI) are holding online consultation hours for students to talk about their writing or to practice their speaking and presentation skills.
・SALC(Learning Advisor Consultation)
SALC Learning Advisors are giving online consultation hours for students to gain a deeper awareness of their language learning potential, and to help find good ways to learn and stay motivated.
・ASC(Q Desk English Consultation, Japanese Writing)
Japanese teachers are holding consultation hours in order to help students better learn English, as well as improve their Japanese writing skills. The teachers also provide learning materials and give advice on study methods.
・MULC(Chat Time)
Faculty of each local language department (Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, Spanish and Portuguese) are holding consultation hours for students to practice conversation in each language. The faculty also give advice on study methods.
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- インドネシア語専攻
- ベトナム語専攻
- タイ語専攻
- イベロアメリカ言語学科
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- ブラジル・ポルトガル語専攻
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- 国際コミュニケーション専攻
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- 入試情報
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- 外務省在外公館派遣員
- 日本研究所
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- 英語deスポーツクラブ