緊急事態宣言延長を受けての本学の対応について(お願い)/A Message from KUIS regarding the Extension of State of Emergency Declaration

学長 宮内孝久










May 8, 2020

To all KUIS students, parents, guardians, faculty and staff:

A Message from KUIS regarding the Extension of State of Emergency Declaration

The Japanese government announced an extension of the state of emergency. Chiba prefecture where our university is located, will continue to be a “special alert prefecture” that requires intensive measures. Accordingly, the following university’s response to the declaration will be extended until the end of May:

1. Students are prohibited from entering the campus.
*Student support will be conducted digitally to the best of our abilities.

2. Faculty and staff will be asked to refrain from entering the campus, and to work from home.
*For further details on campus information, please check your e-mail regularly.

3. These restrictions will be in place for the duration of the state of emergency, currently expected to last through Sunday, May 31.
*If the government or other authorities issue further guidance, a separate notice will be issued.

We anticipate that further details and instructions will be issued by the governors of Tokyo and Chiba, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), as well as the local government and other authorities. Please be advised that, as further guidance is announced, the above policies may be changed or updated.

Please continue to actively participate in all your classes online. As announced on April 30, we are considering measures for students who are in need of living support or who are experiencing difficulties in studying under the current circumstances. Details will be announced through the university homepage as soon as they have been decided.
Let us get through this difficult time together as a university.


Takahisa Miyauchi
Kanda University of International Studies