One of the factors that prevents foreign employees from taking root in the workplace is often thought to be a lack of communication skills in Japanese.
This program aims to explore the causes of problems and troubles in the workplace from the perspective of communication, not the Japanese language itself, and to promote awareness of cross-cultural understanding among both Japanese and non-Japanese employees to deepen mutual understanding.
対象となる方Target Levels
Japanese and non-Japanese employees Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)N1~N3)

- 外国籍社員対象
- 外国籍社員を受け入れる日本人社員対象
- 外国籍社員と日本人社員対象(ミックス型)
Japanese Communication Problem Solving Program
- For non-Japanese employees
- For Japanese employees who work with non-Japanese employees
- For both non-Japanese employees and Japanese employees (mixed type)
- 課題の洗い出し(事前アンケート他)
- ワークショップ
- 課題の洗い出しは事前アンケート以外に、実際にヒアリングの機会を設定してご一緒に洗い出すことも可能です
- 日本語レベルチェックのインタビューも可
- 業務でニュアンスが伝わらず、人間関係がうまく築けない
- ぶっきらぼうに聞こえたり、怒っているように聞こえるようだ
- 相手のイントネーションや言葉尻をとらえてしまって会話が進まない
- 社内オフィスやお客様訪問など場面場面で使う日本語が違う
- 何のための業務なのかわからず、聞いても答えが返ってこない など
For non-Japanese employees
- Identifying the issues (preliminary questionnaire, etc.)
- Workshop
Instruction on Japanese language and communication characteristics through case studies
- In addition to the preliminary questionnaire, we can also identify the issues together with the participants in interviews.
- Interviews to check Japanese language level are also possible.
Examples of workshop themes:
You have a certain level of Japanese language, but communication is not working well.
- You are unable to convey nuances in the workplace and cannot seem to establish a good relationship with others.
- You seem to sound blunt or angry.
- Conversation does not progress because you focus on the intonation or the end of words of the other party.
- There are different Japanese wording for different situations, for example, in the office and when visiting clients).
- Not knowing what the job is for and not getting an answer when asked, etc.
- 課題の洗い出し(事前アンケート他)
- ワークショップ
- 視点1:外国籍社員の考え方、期待
- 視点2:やさしい日本語
- 外国籍社員の活用事例
For Japanese employees who work with non-Japanese employees
- Identifying the issues (preliminary questionnaire, etc.)
- Workshop
- Perspective 1: Views and expectations of non-Japanese employees
- Perspective 2: Easy Japanese
- Examples of Utilization of Foreign National Employees
* In addition to the preliminary questionnaire, we can also identify the issues together with the participants in interviews.
- 課題の洗い出し(事前アンケート他)
- 課題をベースにした事例に対し、グループ討議、ロールプレイ
(外国籍社員と日本人社員でグループを構成) - 発表、討議
For both non-Japanese and Japanese employees
- Identifying the issues (preliminary questionnaire, etc.)
- Group discussion and role play on case studies based on the issues(Groups are composed of non-Japanese and Japanese employees)
- Presentation and discussion
* In addition to the preliminary questionnaire, we can also identify the issues together with the participants in interviews.