Introducing my hometown!ーMichelle Lees


Hello, my name is Michelle and I’m an English Lecturer in the ELI. I teach reading and writing to freshman students, and a special class on Harry Potter.
こんにちは、ミシェルです。神田外語大学のELI (English Language Institute) の教員で、1年生に英語のリーディングやライティングを教えるほか、ハリーポッターに関する特別レッスンも開講しています!


I have lived in Japan for over 9 years, and I even went to an elementary school in Okazaki for 3 years when I was 9 years old. I love cycling in the Japanese countryside and trying the different softcream flavours. My favourite flavour so far is miso!

My hometown is called Chippenham. It is in Wiltshire, west of London, and only takes 70 minutes on the train. It is surrounded by beautiful green fields, woodlands, and farms.


Chippenham is near to many famous places like The Cotswolds, Bath, Bristol, and Lacock. In Wiltshire many famous films have been filmed such as Harry Potter, Thor, and Doctor Who.
チッペンハムはコッツウォルズやバース、ブリストル、レイコックといった有名な街にも近く、ウィルトシャーでは「Harry Potter」や「Thor(マイティ・ソー)」、「Doctor Who」など有名な映画がたくさん撮影されています!

Every year in May, there is a spring festival called the Chippenham Folk Festival.


It is a fun local festival where you can watch traditional dancers like the colourful Morris dancers who dance with bells, ribbons, and wooden sticks, listen to folk songs, eat local dishes, listen to some storytelling and instrumental concerts, and even take part in some dancing yourself!


It is popular with everyone, young and old. If you get a chance you should definitely visit one day!