Try 5 entrance exam questions!


Hello, friends!


In today’s blog, I have 5 exam questions from the 2018 entrance examination. These questions are from the English Major test. They are more difficult than English questions from the Asian Languages or Ibero-American Languages major tests.


Take a look, and see if you can get the right answers!

2018 English Major Entrance Exam, Section 2


27. The lowest part in the Netherlands is 6.7 meters _______ sea level.
a) behind
b) along
c) below
d) down


28. Keiko _______ in New Zealand for a year when she was a student.
a) lives
b) has lived
c) will live
d) lived


29. I used _______ video games a lot, but not so much now.
a) playing
b) to playing
c) to play
d) to be played


30. Mr. Adams still uses the pen case _______ his grandfather gave him for his tenth birthday.
a) what
b) which
c) who
d) when


31. The apartment was huge and conveniently located, but the rent wasn’t  _______ I had expected.
a) so high that
b) such high of
c) as high as
d) high than

Are you ready? The answers are below. Each question has a suggested grammar review topic.



2018 English Major Entrance Exam, Section 2


27. The lowest part in the Netherlands is 6.7 meters _______ sea level.
a) behind
b) along
c) below
d) down


  • Missed this question? Review: 前置詞、最上級


28. Keiko _______ in New Zealand for a year when she was a student.
a) lives
b) has lived
c) will live
d) lived


  • Missed this question? Review: 「~の時」、過去形


29. I used _______ video games a lot, but not so much now.
a) playing
b) to playing
c) to play
d) to be played


  • Missed this question? Review: 「used to ~」、不定詞


30. Mr. Adams still uses the pen case _______ his grandfather gave him for his tenth birthday.
a) what
b) which
c) who
d) when


  • Missed this question? Review: 関係代名詞


31. The apartment was huge and conveniently located, but the rent wasn’t  _______ I had expected.
a) so high that
b) such high of
c) as high as
d) high than


  • Missed this question? Review: 比較級



Ready for more?


You can download past entrance exams and audio from the listening sections online!


Good luck!