


2017 Jun. 21 第15回 NOTICE: The Sales Promotion Meeting
Yuji Kadota

<ライバルに差をつけるBusiness Emailの書き方>

email 15

社内セミナー、会議開催などの通知やその出席確認のビジネス英文Emailはどのように書けばいいのでしょうか。少なくとも日時と場所さえ記載しておけば、集まる人は集まってくるとは思いますが、ひとつ、書き方のパターンを覚えておけば、どんなイベントにも応用できますから非常に便利です。A.イベント開催のお知らせ→B.イベントの目的→C.出欠確認を依頼→D.注意事項・連絡方法を提示 の順番が基本パターンです。今回は「日本時間の8月8日金曜日、朝9時から11時までの販売促進会議」(The Sales Promotion Meeting) をテーマとしたサンプル英文を見ていきましょう。

A. イベント開催のお知らせ
The sales promotion meeting is scheduled to be held at ROOM 4 on Friday, August 8, Tokyo Time, from 9:00 a.m. to 11 a.m.
・The sales promotion meeting will take place at ROOM 4 on Friday, August 8, Tokyo Time, from 9:00 a.m. to 11 a.m.
・You are invited to attend the sales promotion meeting at ROOM 4 on Friday, August 8, Tokyo Time, from 9:00 a.m. to 11 a.m.
・We would like to invite you to the sales promotion meeting at ROOM 4
on Friday, August 8, Tokyo Time, from 9:00 a.m. to 11 a.m.

B. イベントの目的
・The main purpose of this meeting is to reinforce our sales distribution.
・The main agenda of this meeting is to reinforce our sales distribution.
・The topic of the meeting is to reinforce our sales distribution.
・We are scheduling an hour for a discussion about our sales

C. 出欠確認を依頼
・All members are expected to attend this meeting.
・Please confirm your attendance by sending an email to Ms. Lee in personnel.

D. 注意事項・持参するもの・連絡方法を提示
・You are requested to bring your sales report to this meeting.
・Please contact Ms. Lee in personnel if you have any questions on this meeting.







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